Hello, my name is Jim Clarken, and because the Irish still express themselves in their own, unique way, I’m sometimes referred to as ‘The Guy With The Hand,’ because I am missing one. Welcome to my blog and thank you for joining me on this journey into the unknown.
This miscellany came into being because of covid and the changes it forced upon me. The first and most drastic of which was the move from Dublin to Portlaoise; from the big smoke, to a rural town; from supermarket shopping, to an open-air, farmers’ market; from an ultra-modern, apartment lifestyle, to sharing my mother’s home.
Under the category of, ‘The Guy with the Hand,’ I hope to introduce you to this very active 91-year-old and to let you meet some of her friends. There will also be memories shared, and reflections, on whatever topic takes my fancy, will be given. In all of this, Portlaoise will play a leading role, being the backdrop to my childhood and a major part of the inspiration for this blog.
Under the category of, ‘The Writer’s Desk,’ I hope to impart some of my passion for writing and film making. I will talk about inspiration; the people and their stories. Structure, and its importance in story telling. Myth, and how it informs modern film makers.
There will be videos to watch, kitchens to visit, podcasts to listen to and discussions to be had. There will be stories too, old and new, real and imagined. I may also allow you into this writer’s development process as we spent some time together.
Jim Clarken